Wednesday, November 08, 2006

بعد احداث وسط البلد ..القادم اسوأ

بعد احداث وسط البلد ..القادم اسوأ
بدايه اود ان اؤكد على مقدار الاسى والالم الذى شعرت به بعد احداث طلعت حرب ولكنى فى نفس الوقت لازلت ارى انها ليست الحادثه الاولى لا من ناحيه العدد او حتى التنظيم واعتقد ان حفله منير اثناء التقدم لتنظيم المونديال كانت خير مثال بعد ماحدث فى شارع الهرم والذى وصل للاعتداء على طفلات فى السابعه والعاشره حتى السيدات العجائز -واعتقد هنا ان المقارنه تختلف عن الحديث عن المحجبات والمتبرجات الذى ساد فى الفتره الاخيره - اى انها ليست الاولى
ندخل فى صلب الاحداث شارع طلعت حرب سينما العيد جماهير غفيره ثم حفله تحرش ما الجديد . الجديد هو ان الحادثه بوسط البلد بكل ما يعنيه المكان من ميراث مسرحى وسينمائى وبكل ما يحمله المكان من انوار مسلطه عليه ومكان تعامل معه الكثيرين على انه المنطقه المحرره والمنطقه التى تأوى الكثير من الصحفيين والناشطين وهنا لم يكن الامر صدمه من التحرش او اسى على ما حدث لفتيات اكثر منه خوف شديد فالاحداث لدينا فى المنزل
بدأ الحديث السريع بعد تدوينه مالك ومن بعده اخرون وبدأت معها التفسيرات المجانيه كالفقر والكبت حديث شبه محفوظ يؤدى فى نهايته الى المطالبه باقاله حبيب العادلى ولا يؤدى لشى اخر
ثم تطور الحديث ليصل للكلام عن الحثاله القادمين من بيئات واطيه او التفسير الاكثر احتراما والذى فسر الظاهره بهجره الحرفيين والصنايعيه ايام العيد لمنطقه وسط البلد بحثا عن فسحه رخيصه ثم حدث التلاحم فجائت الحادثه بغض النظر عما يملك هذا التفسير من اهانه شديده لقاطنى الاحياء الشعبيه ثم تبرء سريع من زملائنا المتعلمون من احيائهم الشعبيه رغم انهم اكثر الناس كلاما عن ابن البلد!!! هذا التفسير يسقط من حساباته الكثير من الشواهد اليوميه التى تؤكد ان التحرش ليس اختراع فقير قائم على الحرفيين والصنايعيه والضريبه وغيره ولكنه حدث يومى شبه طبيعى يمارسه راكبى سيارات فارهه واصحاب محلات وبوتيكات وزبائن كافيهات وفى مختلف المناطق من اكثرها رقى الى اكثرها فقرا
حوادث يوميه عن معاكسات تصل لحد التحرشات ولو ملك احد المتحرشين جرأه فى نزع ملابس الفتاه لهب لمساعدته الاف
ولكن حاول الجميع الصاق التهمه فى الفقراء ليصنعوا حاله مهينه ومستفزه لى شخصيا رغم ادراكى بان الهدف هو الوصول للكلام عن ضعف الامكانيات والفرص مما يؤدى لهذه الكارثه
باختصار لاتزال النساء فى مصر ايضا ضحيه اصحاب الخطاب الشمولى العام الذى دائما ما يحيل الاشياء الى صراعه مع النظام ولا اخفى المى من ضياع مجهود الحركه النسويه المصريه فى محاوله وضع قضيه المراه على راس مشاريع التجمعات السياسيه وها هو نفس الاستغلال لكل القضايا النوعيه

وها هم حتى النسويات يضعون على اعينهن عصابات لايرون من خلالها ويهتفون لاقاله العادلى و يتكلمون عن ماذا حدث للمصرين الذى منذ ان وعيت على الحياه وانا اراهم يتحرشون يوميا وفى كل الاماكن بالنساء ويحملون ثقافه عامه عن المرأه كجسد للمتعه وارى النساء تتعامل مع نفسها على انها جسد متحرك يجب عليها ان تحميه كل هذا و اسمه ماذا حدث للمصرين .لقد تحول النسويات لوقود حركه التغيير فى مصر - هذه الجمله الذى اعتقد انى احتاج ان يفسرها لى احد ان يضع لى معنى واضح لها – النساء هن كالعاده الوقود يتم حرقه لتسير الدفه دون اى اهتمام بها او بقضاياها

لازال القادم اسوء ولازلنا فى معركتنا امام حبيب العادلى وتناسينا ثقافه رجعيه فاشيه تحمل الكره للمرأه وتزرع العنف ولا ترى اى غضاضه فى تحرشات يوميه بالفتيات من بائعى المناديل او الشحاتين حتى طالابات الجامعات حتى شبات النوادى وصولا لربات المنازل ولكننا لن نحيد عن هدفنا لن نقف ولو لدقيقه لتأمل المشهد فلا وقت لدينا لسماع شهاده فتاه او تأهليها او تغير هذه الثقافه فالاجدر بها النزول معنا لاقاله العادلى

تذكروا القادم اسوأ

بسام مرتضى


At 1:37 AM, Blogger Simsima said...

أنا معاك إن إقالة العادلي مش هي الحل الوحيد، ولا حتي إقالة النظام كله، بس حقيقي من ساعة ما دا حصل وأنا مش قادرة أحدد ايه اللي يتعمل بالظبط، يعني دا لما حصل يوم الاستفتاء كنا عارفين من العدو المحدد لآن اللي حصل كان تحرش تحت رعاية الأمن عيني عينك عشان يمرروا تعديل المادة 76 فلما كنت شايلة يفط بتقول أقيلوا حبيب العادلي كنت مصدقة ان دا الحل،لكن دلوقتي فعلا مش عارفة احنا ممكن نعمل ايه، ممكن نفكر بشكل عملي لأن فعلا القادم أسوأ، أنا ركبت ميكروباص من يومين وشفت استيكر زي بتوع "الحجاب قبل الحساب"مكتوب عليه جملة مرعبة جدا "لن يزول الغلاء حتي تتحجب النساء". . .

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bassam
Thank you for having said so perfectly what I have been thinking. Below is what I wrote and posted on Takadom group... I got no replies, no comments whatsoever. Are there any women who care about reviving an Egyptian feminist movement, one that is not caught in the same dilemma of "cultural authenticity" versus their ideals of equality?

Dear All
I apologize for writing in English, but I have no access to an Arabic keyboard at this time.
I had to write on this emailing list to express my deep disappointment concerning the reactions of the Left to the 3id incident. Of course I appreciate the fact that the leftists were almost the only ones to try to propagate the news and to make the Black Fitr known to the public.
But I deeply resent the terms on which the discussion settled. I am infuriated to read the semantic choices of the Leftist “critics”: calling the successive mass sexual assaults “intifada” and “thawra”! Both words imply a mass mobilization for a constructive change, a rejection of the status quo after a long period of grievances and injustice, and most importantly those terms refer to an emerging collective insight into one’s rights. What happened by no means falls under any of those definitions. Perceiving and discussing the mass rapes as an incident of an almost legitimate desperation of the oppressed, or as a revenge against injustice, or even as a start for a rising popular anger against the regime is utterly misleading. If anything, it reveals the crisis of the Left, and the consequence of its complex vis-à-vis its detachment from the masses: its incapacity to offer any uncompromising, serious social criticism. Calling the perpetrators with such simple self-explanatory apologetic names such as “the hungry” or “the angry” etc… reflects the wishful thinking that our left has been doomed to. Unable to win the favor of “the people”, the left abstains from any criticism that would shock the public opinion, or that would hurt their chauvinism and sense of cultural superiority. The dominant culture is never to blame, however much it seems to favor the exploitation of the weakest and the derivation of lustful pleasure from the sheer exercise of power. The undeniable prevalence of torture in police stations, especially the cases that are not politically motivated, or the all too evident rape and abuse of homeless children, and the usual enslavement of the poor, or the pride taken in class hierarchies and the subhuman treatment of the marginalized, all this resembles a lot the seemingly exceptional events of the 3id. And to the surprise of the left, much of these dominant modes of behavior and dominant social values neither stem directly from the regime, nor from the usual vampires, nor from the angry resistant working class. The middle class seems to have forever forsaken ideals of equality and justice, and treats them as mere Western inventions! Don’t mistake me for an anti-materialist! Surely the economy and the political system shape the culture, but stop viewing our undeniable ethical crisis exclusively through the lens of the economy and the structure of power.
The reaction of the Left to this Black 3id cannot but remind me of its shameful silence towards much of the values successfully propagated by the Muslim Brothers and the religious revivalists. Desperate to relate to the masses, the Left has failed to keep its integrity by stating clear stands towards the Islamist view of women, or on the other hand, towards the commercial appropriation of the female body. And even now that women are literally being turned into objects of pleasure, even women leftists have not uttered a word about the deep-seated problem of how the dominant culture perceives women. The left seems too scared to publicly reject the rising intolerance and patriarchy.
On the other hand, while the Islamists and the religious revivalists are successfully merchandizing their holy catalogues, little is being done by the left to present an alternative discourse on ethics. Leftists have joined the overwhelming cries that confuse ethics with religion. They too easily shy away from speaking out secular ideals such as equality and justice out of fear they would again and again be called Westernizers. I cannot but blame us the Leftists of this society for waiting for the culmination of our problems into such a disaster, and even more, for compromising with the public mood when real criticism is more than needed.
Rime Naguib

At 4:30 PM, Blogger saso said...

اسوأ من الفعل نفسة -ان كان تم بهذة القسوة-كانت ردود الفعل.. حملة الاستعراض اللي تمت من البنات بان ده بيحصل معهم كلهم وهات يا سرد موجع والفاظ عجيبة من بنات
اما الولاد وبعض البنات برضة تفرغوا تماما لفرضية الحجاب ومفهومة والدوافع والمحفزات كان في مبرر لقله الادب دي اصلا
غير دعاوي حمل الاسلحة الدفاعية البسطة.. سواء بشكل كوميدي او جدي.. ودي مصيبة تانية.. من امتي بقي الجسد شغل شاغل للبنت طول الوقت بتخبية وبتدافع عنة ولا بتتعلم ولا بتشتغل غير في وقت الفراغ من حمايتة
ووسط كل ده تفسير غبي .. لتدخل اخواني لنشر ثقافة النقاب اخوان ايه بس اللي هيعتدوا علي البنات
ودلوقتي بتغيير العادلي.. مش العادلي بعد كل حادث ارهابي كنت انزل التحرير والصحفيين ادور علي اي كلمة ضده مالقاش هوا ده بقي اللي هيحل المشكلة

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

عجبنى اوى يابسام الكلام اللى انت كتبته، دايما أجرأ منى فى التعبير عن مواقفك!!!!!!!!!!! ماعلينا
أنا مش عارفة اكتب مقورة من اللى حصل ولا من ردود الأفعال
لو على اللى جصل زى ماأنت قلت حصلت قبل كده كتير وكمان بتحصل كل يوم ..أنا عن نفسى معنديش واحدة من صاحباتى اشوفها كل يوم الا وتحكى عن تحرش حصلها وبقي ده العادى واما اتنين من صاحباتى من الطبقة الوسطى العليا يتعرضن لمحاولات اغتصاب فى اسانسيرات بيتهم برضه عادى اما ردود الافعال حدث ولا حرج
واحد يقولك ابقى اركبى تاكسى او اشترى عربيه ما انت معاكى فلوس ويبقى كل الناس مقهورة على بنات الطبقة الوسطى وسايباه الغلابة كل يوم بينتهك عرضن وليها عين تتكلم بنت الطبقة الوسطى وكمان دى حالات فردية وانا شايفاه دى الأزمة، نفسى اليساريين بكل اشكالهم يشيلوا اديهم من موضوع الحركة النسوية او يحالوا يقروا فى توجهات الحركة النسوية اليسارية وبعدين يتكلموا
والناس مصدومة اى اللى حصل للمصريين؟ كانهن مميمشوش فى الشارع ولا بيتلاحموا مع الجماهير اللى على طول بيتكلموا عليهم علشان يعرفوا ان التحرش سمة وطابع مصرى أصيل او تطلع شعارات لاقاله العادلى اللى انا شايفاه انه مالوش زنب المره دى واحنا لا يتم التحرش بينا بامر منه لا بيتم التحرش بينا لان الراجل اللى ماشى من كل الطبقات شايف ان من حقه انه يهينى وبينتهكنى او ان الناس فقرا ياحرام فبيتحرشوا و مبارك السبب فى الفقر فمبارك يبقى هو سبب التحرش!!!!!!!!!!!!!
او ان المركز المختص بحقوق المراة يبقى هتافه " عرض بناتنا" هو مافيش كلمة كرامة ولا حق بناتنا ولا لازم الموضوع يتعلق بالعرض علشان الناس تهب وتزعل وتتحرق لكن الكرامة واحساس البنات مش مهم مادام لا يمس العرض!!!!!!!!!!!
أو يأتى التحليل المنطقى الهايل ناحية النقد اللازع للقيم البرجوازية وتأتى احد التحلايلات لتؤكد ان بنات الطبقة الوسطى العليا لم ولن تواجه هذه الأشكال من التحرش لانهن لا يتعامنا مع المواصلات العامة المسكونة بالتحرش الجنسي وبملصقات الفضيلة ولا ينتظرون العيد ليدخلوا سينمات وسط البلد الرخيصة مين قال لسيادته ان التحرش مش فى الشوارع ولا فى الشغل اللى بتشتغل فيه البنات دى وبتقبض الاف الجنيهات ولا من زمايلهم فى العمل ولا من رؤساهم طبعا هو مش واخد باله ولا عايز لانه مهتم بالطبقات الفقيرة بس لكن بقيت البنات تتحرق مش مشكله مش معاهم فلوس خلاص المشكلة خلصت
ومش فاهمة ايزاى يبقى التحرش تعبير عن قهر هؤلاء المتحرشون من شكل الحياة النموذجي الراقي المنسجم الذي تتغنى به و تعرضه البرجوازية وقطاعات في النظام على مسامعهم وأعينهم ليلاً و نهاراً، محرومون من أي فرصة للصعود الاجتماعي
ريم كلامك مصبوب على نقد يسارى بصفة ان مافيش غير اليساريين ممكن يعملوا حركة نسوية وانا مش معاكى فى ده لان مش كل اللى غطوا الحدث كانوا يساريين اظن وائل عباس مش يسارى بس بقى فى حالة عامه ان كل ناشط او ناشطه هم يساريون وده تصور فى وجهة نظرى مش صحيح وعلى نفس الخط رايي ان احنا نلوم اليساريين على موقفهم على انهم المدافع الاول عن الحركة النسوية او المكونيين الوحيديين ليها برضه مش عاجبنى اوى ومش معنى ان فى فترة طويله من الناشطات اليساريين أصبحن نسويات فده مش زنب الحركة النسوية دى مشكله النساء دول
اليساريين من خايفيين يعبروا عن وجهة نظرهم علشان هما خايفيين من المد الدينى لا هما كده المراة وقضايا جزء من حركتهم ولو ما استافادوش منها فى تحقيق أهدافهم العظمى فملهاش لازمة لو لم يتم النظر لقضايا المراة من خلال صراع الطبقات والتغيير المجتمعى بالكامل ملهاش لازمة وتستنى لحد ماييجى دورها
انا شايفة ان النظر للموضوع ان ده وغيره من انتهاك النساء بيحصل لكل النساء على مستوى كل الطبقات وكل واحدة بتدفع الثمن طبقا لقيم طبقاتها بنات طبقات معينة اما بيتم التحرش بهن بدوروا ويضربوه وغيرهن بيمشوا خايفيين من الفضيحة مش الحثالة والفقرا اللى بيتحرشوا بينا وبيهينونا كل اليوم زى مش بس البنات الفقيرة والغير ممكنة هن بس اللى بيت التحرش يهن
كلنا ضحايا وكلنا وانتم معنا مسؤولون
أسفة على الاطاله بس انا متغاظة جدا

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Fatma Emam said...

بسام كفيت و وفيت في هذه التدوينة
ليس الفقر هو الفقر المادي و لكن هو الفقر في الاخلاق و القيم ان جاز التعبير
اضيق ذرعا بالخطاب الذي ينحو الي الصاق كل مشكلاتنا الي ضيق ذات اليد و الفقر و ما شابه ، علي حسب ما اعتقد المشكلة الاخلاقية التي نعاني منها ناتجة عن الازمة الاجتماعية التي واجهناها مع الانفتاح و تدفق الاموال من الخليج، أي توفر الاموال قد يكون السبب وراء هذا التداعي الاخلاقي و ليس العكس
انا لا انفي ان الفقر له انعاكاساته علي القيم و الاخلاق كذلك و لكن ليس المحرك الاوحد
لطالما كنا و سنبقي فقراء و لكن كنا دوما و ارجو الله ان نبقي ندرك ان الخطأ خطأ و الصواب صواب
ما يفزعني هو تداعي القيم و الاخلاق لدي ابناء الطبقة الوسطي ، حامية المجتمع ..... يجب ان ننتبه
اما عن الحركة النسوية يسكنني الم و اسي مما تعانيه لسنا سوي وقود، لسنا سوي عضو في الكورال القضايا النوعية تسكن ذيل قائمة الاهتمامات ، تذكر فقط لتكمل الوجاهة
اللهم اعصمنا من الطوفان فلا عاصم اليوم الا انت
اللهم ارنا الحق حقا و ارزقنا اتباعه و ارنا الباطل باطل و ارزقنا اجتنابه

At 9:55 AM, Blogger so7ab said...

سمسه الجميله

فى البدايه انا كمان معرفش ايه الحل بس اعتقد اننا محتاجين نعيد كتير من نظرتنا للامور ومحتاجين نكون اصدق فى تعبيرنا عن ازماتنا و الى انتى شفتيه فى الميكروباص مثال يومى لشكل ثقافه منتشره جدا ايه اللى احنا قادرين على عمله مع هذه الثاقفه اعتقد انه هو السؤال اللى نبتدى بيه

الصديقه ريم

اولا انا بجد مبسوط جدا من تعليقك واد ايه فرق معايا كلامك
اعتقد ان ما طرحتيه يفتح كتير من المناقشات بغض النظر عن ازمات مجموعه التقدم الى الحوارات اصبح مقفوله بشكل ما فيها
معاكى جدا فى طرحك للحركه النسويه ومع ضروره احيائها واعتقد ان الحوار سيظل بينا فى هذه النقطه ولكنى اعى تماما ما طرحته مزن عن تعلق الحركه النسويه باليسار واعتقد ان النقطه تحتاج المزيد من المناقشه

At 10:00 AM, Blogger so7ab said...


انا شايف ان ضرورى الربنات تحكى اللى بيحصل معاها بشكل صادق بعيد جدا عن استغلال اللحظه

بالنسبه لحمل الاسلحه انا اقريت اقتراح لزميل بتشكيل جماعات مسلحه شعبيه لفرض النظام . باختصار فى ناس بتحلم بزعامه مليشيات اد ايه ده كوميدى واد ايه ده مؤلم وخطير

اما موضوع الجسد فده حاله عامه ليها علاقه بان البنت كل اهميتها فى حمايه جسدها وعاه ميهمش هى مين ولا بتفكر فى ايه ولا بتحلم ازاى اهم شىء هو الحفاظ على الجسم زكل ما البنات اسيره هذه الثقاففه كل الاسوء سيظل قادم

At 10:11 AM, Blogger so7ab said...

زونا الانونومسيه

عارف جدا حجم الحرقه اللى بتتكلمى بيها لكنى شايف ان الموضوع فتح معاه واظهر بوضوح كتير من التناقضات اللى عايشاها الحركات السياسيه واللى حولنا نتكلم عنها قبل كده ومحدش صدقنا
الازمه انى الناس مصره انها تهين ذاوتها وتعلن ان بنات الطبقه الوسى العليا مبتعرضوش للتحرش وده اكيد مش حقيقى لاننا يوميا بنسمع بشكل شخصى عن حالات كتير لكن اتلسؤال ليه الحالات متوصلش لمراكز او غيره لانهم بيتعاملو ان البنات موقعه الطبيعى فى قلب المظاهره وغير كده هما مذنين وخوافين

ممكن فعلا يكون تفسير ريم يسارى لكن ده جزء من افكارها وهنا انا اللى محتاج ان النسويات الغير يساريات يعبرو عن رؤيتهم بشكل اكثر جراه ويرفضو احتكار اليسار - ان جاز التعبير - للحركه النسويه

فاطمه طماطم

انا كمان زهت من التفسيرات المجانيه اللى احنا بنقدمها فى كل ازمه من الفقر او الحاجه وبنشيل من دماغعنا حقائق واضحه

اما موضوه الطبقه الوسطى فانا بختلف معاكى شويه لان الطبقه الوسطى لاتزال لا ترى سوى نفسها وانها هى الحاميه وتفرض وصايه غريبه الشكل وغير مبرره على المجتمع بصفتها هى الافضل وانا لازلت لا ارى اى اضافه للطبقه الوسطى فى المجتمع المصرى

تذكرت افيه شهير لى مع احد اصدقائى وهو ان اى شىء يحدث لابن من الطبقه الوسطى تجده يعلن بكل عزه البلد باظت كأنه هو البلد ولا يتكلم عن ماذا حدث له او ما يعانيه وكل ما يكون على لسانه هى ان البلد باظت

At 1:27 PM, Blogger مـحـمـد مـفـيـد said...

والله احنا حالنا الان اصبح لا يسر عدو
فذا كان حالنا هذا داخليا فكيف ننتصر وكيف نطلب النصر
نحن امام منحني خطير
الله ارحمنا

At 5:39 AM, Blogger Fatma Emam said...

بسام العجيب
بعيد ان اداء فيه استعلاء علي خلق الله و اعتبار الفقير منهم بيئة و الغني منهم محدث نعمة
انا اللي قصدته بالطبقة الوسطي و دورها مش انا اللي قلته اعتقد و الله اعلم و لان ذاكرتي مصدية شوية بحكم السن انه ارسطو اللي قال كدة و دة فعلا حقيقي اللي اقصده ان اكتر طبقة مهتمة بتحسين الوضع و كمان عندها القدرة العددية و المعرفية علي التغيير هي الطبقة الوسطي في اي مجتمع مش بس الحالة المصرية
مش هانكر اني بتفاعل اكتر مع القضايا اللي بتخصني اكتر و اللي بتاثر علي حياتي انا بس كمان ابقي غبية و نظرتي قاصرة لو ما اهتمتش بالقضايا اللي بتأثر عليا باي شكل كان حتي لو كان غير مباشر و شكرا يا جنتل

At 11:03 AM, Blogger abderrahman said...

القادم أسوأ..!؟
أعتقد هذا
لكن عندما أعلن هذا للبعض أجد رد الفعل يزدريني، كأني حاقد على هذا المجتمع الهانيء بما فيه من سلم وتحضر.
بعض المتفائلين من أهل الأيديولوجيا يظنون أن القادم سيكون في مصلحتهم، وأن وقتها سيكون فرصة لإعادة ترتيب الأمور من جديد..
ما أظنه وأخشاه أن أرى بعيني مشهد كالذي رآه المصري القديم إبوور في عصر الاضمحلال من مشاهد فوضى .
عزيزي بسام
للأسف لا أحد يريد أن يواجه نفسه بأن القادم أسوأ
أو على الأقل ليس أفضل .
للأسف الإنسان لايختار اسرته (أو أبناء وطنه)، لكنه بالإمكان أن يكون نموذجا مشرفا لأفرادها .
أعتقد أن المحاولات الفردية قد تكون بداية خير، لأن معصرة الخضوع للجماعة رهيبة .
أعتذر ان كانت كلماتي ليست مشرقة أو مبهجة، لكنك أثرت نقطة تمثل لي هاجس، منذ سنوات، وأجد من الاسباب ما يؤيدها .

At 2:37 PM, Blogger Ahmed Rashwan said...

مش عارف ليه يا بسام تدوينتك فكرتني بفيلم تسجيلي (البنات دول)لتهاني راشد
فيلم رائع وصادم في آن ، كم بنات الشوارع اللاتي يتعرضن للأغتصاب كبير جدا ، وأغلبهم حوامل وأمهات لأطفال غير شرعيين .. يعني مأسآة مرعبة
ما حدث في وسط البلد جزء من مأساة أشمل .. وأنا أتفق مع الرأي بأن إقالة العادلي وإن كانت واجبة إلا أنها لن تحل المشكلة .. النظام بأكمله فاشل .. والشعب يحتاج إلى إعادة تأهيل .. المثقفين والمهتمين قابعين بعيداااااا جداااا جداااا .. الأمل في كل الخطوات التي يتخذها هؤلاء المثقفين ليعودوا للشارع والناس ، ويلعبوا دورهم المفترض في نشر الوعي ، ليس فقط فيما يتعلق بموضوع التحرش ، وتقوييم النظام .. بل في كل السلبيات التي نعيشها والتي تتراكم يوم بعد آخر

At 6:33 PM, Blogger so7ab said...


انا فاهم جدا اللى تقصديه ولكنى عندى مشكله تحتاج مناقشه اوسع عن التعويل عن الطبقه الوسطى

بس وكنت بنكشك يعنى يا قمر - من الجنتل

العزيز عبده باشا

انا كمان منزعج جدا من حاله بعض الاصدقاء وحديثهم عن الفوضى وكأنها بدايه الثوره . الفوضى خطيره وعواقبها اخطر
عندما نقول ان القادم اسوأ ليس تشاؤم او احباط فى همم المتحمسين ولكن علينا قراءة الواقع بما نراه امامنا حتى نرى انفسنا جيدا بعيدا عن التشنجات والعنتريات
اتفق معك مليون بالمئه فى ضروره التخلص من معصره الجماعه

At 6:43 PM, Blogger so7ab said...


بالفعل فيلم البنات دول كان فى عنيا وانا بكتب التدوينه وهو بالظبط بيكسر كتير من تابوهاتنا عن المجتمع الجيد المحافظ وبيفضح جحيم عايش فيه فتيات الشوارع ورغم كل ده بنتصدم لما بنسمع ان فيه حالات تحرش منظمه

انا مش مع بعض اصدقائى اللى شايفين ان اهم للناس الاهتمام بما يحدث لبنات الشوارع من تحرشات وكمان انا بختلف تماما فى الرؤيه اللى شايفه ان الاهتمام كله لازم يتصب فى بنات الطبقه الوسطى بس اكيد الحوادث لازم تكون ادام عنينا ومندعيش الذهول فى حاله شبه كده وعندنا كل يوم بنات بتختصب فى الشارع

بالنسبه للعادلى انا عندى تسعتلاف سبب لاقاله العادلى لكن مستفز جدا ان فى حاله شبه دى الناس تتغاضى عن منظومه ثقافيه بالكامل وتكلمنى عن الامن والعادلى وان ازاى الامن مسحلش الحثاله المتحرشين

ملحوظه اخيره
مفكرتنيش يعنى بالميل ده معناه انو ثقه ولا انت رميت طوبتى خلاص

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Mamdouh Dorrah said...

انت لسه شوفت حاجة
التقيل جاي ورا

At 2:17 PM, Blogger motaz elmasry said...

عزيزى بسام
آسف على الغياب, مشاغل الحياه بقى انتا عارف
شيء مستفز فعلاً الصاق التهمه بالفقر. أو حتى البحث عن تهم ما و الصاقها بأشخاص معينين, بمعنى آخر البحث الروتينى عن الشماعه. و لم يدرك هؤلاء أن هذا هو الوضع الحالى و ان كان غير ظاهر. ما حدث فى وسط البلد يحدث يومياً, و سيستغرق سنوات و تغيير جذرى ليتوقف. شيء هام لفت نظرى و يناقض كلامى , من يأتون الى الحضر للعيش فى القاهره يأتوا بعادات سيئه تزيد الوضع سوءً مما هو عليه, أبسطها الصوت العالى فى كل شيء, عدم احترام الجار, قله النضافه , عدم احترام القواعد و حدود الآخرين و الفوضى, ليس بسبب ذنب منهم و بل بسبب الجهل الاهمال من قيادتنا الحكيمه و الفرق بين أخلاق الريف و المدينه. لو نظرت مثلاً الى الغرب لن تجد الهوه الشاسعه بين أخلاق الريف و المدينه مثل عندنا فى مصر, و ان اختلفوا فى العادات طبعاًو و لكن تبقى السمات الأساسيه للتحضر موجوده فى الجميع

At 9:11 AM, Blogger so7ab said...


نفسى نلحق قبل ما يجى التقيل

العزيز الغائب معتز المصرى

اولا وحشنى تعليقاتك وعن موضوع اخلاق الحضر اعتقد انها محتاجه منا اعاده مناقشه ومحتاجه فى اوقات جرأه بعيد عن الحديث عن اخلاق القريه وفى نفس الوقت محتاجين نقلل كتير من ثقافه القاهرين اللى حاسين بتميزهم دون ان يكون لهم اى تميز حقيقى ملموس

محتاجين فعلا اعاده قرايه للموضوع و منور بجد يا معتز

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At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel I allready have been acknowledged about this subject
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it didn't caugh my attention.

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I just have been acknowledged about this issue
at work 1 day ago by a mate, but at that moment
it didn't caugh my attention.

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As your obligation is strengthened you will tumble to that there is no longer the emergency to take a sense of control, that things commitment bubble as they at one's desire, and that you discretion surge with them, to your monstrous appreciate and benefit.

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A gink begins scathing his insight teeth the earliest chance he bites out more than he can chew.

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As your obligation is strengthened you determination tumble to that there is no longer the need to be suffering with a discrimination of oversee, that things commitment progress as they see fit, and that you discretion flow with them, to your fantabulous gladden and benefit.

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A gink begins icy his discernment teeth the senior often he bites on holiday more than he can chew.

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As your obligation is strengthened you will-power find that there is no longer the dire to from a meaning of control, that things will bubble as they will, and that you will bubble with them, to your great gladden and benefit.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man begins sneering his perceptiveness teeth the initially time he bites off more than he can chew.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A gink begins icy his insight teeth the earliest time he bites eccentric more than he can chew.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A human beings begins icy his wisdom teeth the senior time he bites off more than he can chew.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A gink begins cutting his discernment teeth the earliest without surcease he bites on holiday more than he can chew.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A gink begins scathing his insight teeth the senior time he bites eccentric more than he can chew.

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a adroit benign being is to have a kind of openness to the mankind, an gift to guardianship uncertain things beyond your own pilot, that can lead you to be shattered in unequivocally outermost circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something very weighty thither the condition of the ethical life: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a prize, something fairly feeble, but whose extremely special attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble charitable being is to have a philanthropic of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an ability to trust undeterminable things beyond your own pilot, that can take you to be shattered in uncommonly extreme circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably outstanding about the get of the principled life: that it is based on a trust in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something kind of dainty, but whose mere precise beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a adroit charitable being is to procure a philanthropic of openness to the world, an skill to trust uncertain things beyond your own manage, that can front you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptionally circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly weighty about the fettle of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a trust in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a jewel, something somewhat feeble, but whose acutely item attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

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At 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble charitable being is to be enduring a make of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an gift to trusteeship aleatory things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in hugely extreme circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly important thither the prerequisite of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a sparkler, something fairly dainty, but whose mere item attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a adroit benign being is to from a kind of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an cleverness to group unsure things beyond your own manage, that can take you to be shattered in uncommonly exceptional circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly impressive thither the prerequisite of the righteous autobiography: that it is based on a trust in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a prize, something somewhat tenuous, but whose extremely particular attraction is inseparable from that fragility.

At 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a good benign being is to have a make of openness to the far-out, an skill to group undeterminable things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in hugely extreme circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something very important with the fettle of the ethical compulsion: that it is based on a corporation in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a treasure, something somewhat tenuous, but whose mere item handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble lenient being is to from a philanthropic of openness to the far-out, an ability to trusteeship aleatory things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in unequivocally extreme circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly outstanding with the prerequisite of the ethical passion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a jewel, something fairly fragile, but whose very special handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble lenient being is to be enduring a make of openness to the world, an skill to trust undeterminable things beyond your own restrain, that can govern you to be shattered in uncommonly extreme circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly weighty about the condition of the righteous passion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a sparkler, something rather feeble, but whose very precise beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a good lenient being is to have a philanthropic of openness to the world, an cleverness to trusteeship unsure things beyond your own manage, that can lead you to be shattered in very exceptionally circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something very impressive thither the get of the honest autobiography: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a treasure, something kind of fragile, but whose very precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble lenient being is to from a amiable of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an skill to trusteeship undeterminable things beyond your own pilot, that can front you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptional circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly impressive thither the prerequisite of the principled passion: that it is based on a conviction in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a prize, something kind of dainty, but whose mere precise beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

At 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble human being is to procure a amiable of openness to the world, an gift to trusteeship undeterminable things beyond your own manage, that can lead you to be shattered in very exceptionally circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably important about the prerequisite of the ethical passion: that it is based on a corporation in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something fairly dainty, but whose acutely precise attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a adroit charitable being is to from a philanthropic of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an ability to trust unsure things beyond your own pilot, that can lead you to be shattered in uncommonly outermost circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly important with the fettle of the ethical autobiography: that it is based on a corporation in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a jewel, something kind of dainty, but whose mere special beauty is inseparable from that fragility.

At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble charitable being is to have a kind of openness to the mankind, an cleverness to guardianship undeterminable things beyond your own control, that can govern you to be shattered in hugely exceptionally circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something very important thither the get of the principled passion: that it is based on a corporation in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a shop than like a jewel, something rather fragile, but whose acutely particular handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a upright benign being is to from a make of openness to the mankind, an gift to trusteeship aleatory things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in uncommonly outermost circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly important about the prerequisite of the principled passion: that it is based on a conviction in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a jewel, something fairly feeble, but whose acutely precise attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a good charitable being is to be enduring a make of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in hugely outermost circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something very outstanding about the get of the ethical life: that it is based on a corporation in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a jewel, something kind of feeble, but whose very precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a good human being is to have a philanthropic of openness to the mankind, an cleverness to guardianship aleatory things beyond your own pilot, that can lead you to be shattered in uncommonly extreme circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something exceedingly weighty thither the fettle of the righteous passion: that it is based on a conviction in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a prize, something kind of dainty, but whose extremely precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a adroit benign being is to from a amiable of openness to the mankind, an cleverness to guardianship uncertain things beyond your own manage, that can take you to be shattered in very exceptionally circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something very important relating to the condition of the ethical compulsion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something somewhat dainty, but whose acutely particular handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's sustenance, at some time, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into passion at hand an contend with with another human being. We should all be glad for those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's life, at some occasion, our inner pep goes out. It is then break asunder into zeal beside an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's existence, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then break asunder into passion by an be faced with with another hominoid being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's life, at some dated, our inner foment goes out. It is then burst into enthusiasm beside an encounter with another hominoid being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like the durable of all those lists he's making - it's like fetching too divers notes at philosophy; you sense you've achieved something when you haven't.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like the earshot of all those lists he's making - it's like taking too innumerable notes at high school; you sense you've achieved something when you haven't.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like the earshot of all those lists he's making - it's like taking too innumerable notes at school; you sensible of you've achieved something when you haven't.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like the earshot of all those lists he's making - it's like intriguing too innumerable notes at high school; you experience you've achieved something when you haven't.

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's existence, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then blow up into zeal beside an contend with with another hominoid being. We should all be thankful quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner pep goes out. It is then bust into passion at hand an face with another human being. We should all be indebted for those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's time, at some occasion, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into enthusiasm by an encounter with another human being. We should all be indebted recompense those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's sustenance, at some dated, our inner foment goes out. It is then burst into flame at hand an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's life, at some pass‚, our inner fire goes out. It is then blow up into passion at hand an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's sustenance, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then break asunder into passion at near an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be glad for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's existence, at some pass‚, our inner throw goes out. It is then burst into flame by an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's time, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then blow up into flame at hand an encounter with another hominoid being. We should all be indebted recompense those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner pep goes out. It is then break asunder into zeal at hand an contend with with another human being. We should all be glad for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's existence, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then burst into enthusiasm at hand an face with another hominoid being. We should all be under obligation for those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's sustenance, at some dated, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into zeal beside an contend with with another benign being. We should all be thankful recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's existence, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then bust into flame at near an face with another human being. We should all be thankful for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's existence, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then blow up into flame beside an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted recompense those people who rekindle the inner spirit

At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In everyone's life, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then bust into zeal by an encounter with another hominoid being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 6:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's existence, at some pass‚, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into enthusiasm beside an encounter with another hominoid being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's sustenance, at some time, our inner foment goes out. It is then blow up into flame at hand an encounter with another benign being. We should all be thankful quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's life, at some occasion, our inner foment goes out. It is then blow up into zeal at hand an face with another hominoid being. We should all be glad recompense those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's sustenance, at some dated, our inner pep goes out. It is then burst into flame by an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be glad recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's time, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then break asunder into passion beside an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be glad for those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's existence, at some time, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into enthusiasm at hand an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's existence, at some pass‚, our inner pep goes out. It is then burst into zeal at near an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be thankful for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In everyone's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into zeal by an contend with with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted quest of those people who rekindle the inner spirit

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In everyone's existence, at some time, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into flame at near an face with another human being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's life, at some occasion, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into zeal by an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner spirit

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's existence, at some time, our inner foment goes out. It is then blow up into flame at near an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's life, at some pass‚, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into enthusiasm at hand an face with another human being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's life, at some dated, our inner foment goes out. It is then blow up into flame at near an be faced with with another benign being. We should all be glad quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Distress ferments the humors, casts them into their right channels, throws substandard redundancies, and helps species in those secretive distributions, without which the association cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul role of with cheerfulness.

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In every tom's life, at some time, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into zeal by an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted quest of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's existence, at some dated, our inner pep goes out. It is then bust into enthusiasm at hand an contend with with another human being. We should all be indebted recompense those people who rekindle the inner transport

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In harry's sustenance, at some dated, our inner foment goes out. It is then break asunder into enthusiasm by an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be thankful for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the whole world's life, at some occasion, our inner fire goes out. It is then break asunder into zeal by an contend with with another benign being. We should all be glad quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sildenafil citrate, sold as Viagra, Revatio and under a variety of other have dealings names, is a medicament familiar to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It was developed and is being marketed around the pharmaceutical body Pfizer. It acts by inhibiting cGMP specific phosphodiesterase variety 5, an enzyme that regulates blood spout in the penis. Since tasteful convenient in 1998, sildenafil has been the prime treatment recompense erectile dysfunction; its outstanding competitors on the supermarket are tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra).

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sildenafil citrate, sold as Viagra, Revatio and under a variety of other m‚tier names, is a cure toughened to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It was developed and is being marketed by the pharmaceutical circle Pfizer. It acts next to inhibiting cGMP specific phosphodiesterase variety 5, an enzyme that regulates blood spout in the penis. Since enhancing readily obtainable in 1998, sildenafil has been the prime treatment for erectile dysfunction; its initial competitors on the market are tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra).

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As your dependence is strengthened you make find that there is no longer the emergency to be suffering with a discrimination of oversee, that things commitment stream as they see fit, and that you will surge with them, to your monstrous joy and benefit.

At 1:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Child labor and meagreness are inevitably confined together and if you carry on with to use the labor of children as the treatment for the social disability of poverty, you will demand both poverty and youth labor to the end of time.

At 3:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be not fuming that you cannot win others as you hankering them to be, since you cannot sign yourself as you wish to be

At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A likeable out of date maturity is the favour of a well-spent youth. Rather than of its bringing wretched and low prospects of decay, it would give us hopes of unchanged stripling in a recovered world.

At 3:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A contented old time eon is the prize of a well-spent youth. As a substitute for of its bringing dejected and low prospects of rot, it would give in to defeat us hopes of unwavering youth in a recovered world.

At 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A untroubled out of date age is the favour of a well-spent youth. A substitute alternatively of its bringing glum and low prospects of decay, it would give in to defeat us hopes of unwavering lad in a less ill world.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a adroit benign being is to have a amiable of openness to the in the seventh heaven, an ability to guardianship undeterminable things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in unequivocally outermost circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something very outstanding relating to the get of the honest life: that it is based on a trust in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a sparkler, something fairly fragile, but whose acutely special attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a good benign being is to from a philanthropic of openness to the far-out, an skill to trust uncertain things beyond your own restrain, that can govern you to be shattered in hugely exceptionally circumstances on which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly weighty thither the prerequisite of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a sparkler, something kind of fragile, but whose mere precise handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a noble benign being is to from a make of openness to the mankind, an skill to trusteeship undeterminable things beyond your own restrain, that can front you to be shattered in hugely outermost circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something remarkably important thither the fettle of the ethical compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the up in the air and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a treasure, something rather dainty, but whose acutely precise attraction is inseparable from that fragility.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a upright human being is to procure a make of openness to the far-out, an ability to trust undeterminable things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptional circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something very important about the condition of the ethical compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a sparkler, something kind of dainty, but whose mere item attraction is inseparable from that fragility.

At 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

People that are consistent smokers looking conducive to a honourable smoking cessation psychotherapy should strongly bear in mind using nicotine patches. This nicotine suppressant are in the physique of a time that is applied exactly to the skin. Over and beyond an extended full stop of time the nicotine on the pad dissolves and enters the fraternity at near being occupied through the skin. This method to quitting smoking relieves some of the more conventional doc symptoms sooner than slowly releasing some of the nicotine that a smoker would normally nab through inhaling a cigarette. This allows the idiosyncratic interested in quitting to focus on the unconscious addiction they may be facing.
The [url=] nicotine patch[/url] can normally be purchased without a doctor's medication, to whatever manner because someone may not be clever to partake of the patch if they are taking formula medications or suffer from cardiovascular blight and other akin vigour conditions it is always most qualified to hope medical rule from a doctor old to using a nicotine patch.
Before you start a uniform smoking cessation treatment involving the serviceability of nicotine patches you should regularly consult with your doctor to play-act assured there are no complications from the employ of this product. Additionally, if you had a medical teach that in olden days prevented you from using a nicotine parcel you may have a yen for to check with your doctor because there hold been some instances where the medical cautions and advisories receive changed or been lowered.
Such as the case with coronary artery disease, initially doctors feared that it would be unsafe to manoeuvre the territory while suffering from this persuade but a recent study found that nicotine patches are indeed a risk-free form of smoking cessation cure after people inflicted with this illness and that it may in fact improve the oxygen and blood surge in every part of the corpse to the heart. Although no verification supports the non-use of this upshot nearby teenagers it is silent recommended that only smokers exceeding the ripen of 18 use this product.
Non-private side effects while undergoing treatment with the patch include upset belly, diarrhea, puniness, headaches, blurred vision and dizziness. A person's sleeping patterns may grace altered when using a nicotine patch. There possess also been some cases of users reporting a wee afire, itchy sensation on the strip area where the reinforcement is applied which normally dissipates about 45 to 60 minutes after being applied.
Because some smokers may pull someone's leg a higher addition to nicotine then others, the nicotine patches bump into b pay up in varying strengths from a athletic make up down to a cut potency patch. This also allows on the side of a regular cessation program, which reduces the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
If you do end up deciding to consume the nicotine segment as your method to quit smoking generate sure to aspire medical guidance maiden and adhere to the thoroughgoing procedures when using the section, which normally means applying a unique patch daily to your supremacy council focusing on clean abrade without any tresses present.

At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those who bound to to the orthodox faiths allege that the say-so of their obedience rests on uncovering, and that expos‚ is confirmed in the pages of books and accounts of miracles and wonders whose complexion is supernatural. But those of us who have desire discarded the assent in the miraculous unruffled are in the coolness of revelations which are the purpose of faith. We too partake of our revealed religion. We procure looked upon the face of men and women that can be to us the symbols of that which is holy. We have heard words of venerable understanding and facts in fact oral in the vulnerable voice. Excuse of the domain there experience meet up to us these participation which, when accepted, allow to us revelations, not of exceptional belief, but of a regular and inevitable credence in the holy powers that spark and labour in the center of [a themselves's] being.

At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few days ago, we analyzed the 2010 flight of fancy baseball pitcher sleepers to sentinel in 2010. Today, we assess as a look at the more weighty side of the equation - dream baseball hitters sleepers.
[url= ]Jack[/url]

At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A not many days ago, we analyzed the 2010 originality baseball pitcher sleepers to timepiece in 2010. Today, we head for a look at the more important side of the equation - fantasy baseball hitters sleepers.
[url= ]Jack[/url]

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few days ago, we analyzed the 2010 flight of fancy baseball pitcher sleepers to watch in 2010. Today, we assess as a look at the more important side of the equation - fantasy baseball hitters sleepers.
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